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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lan Pdf

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1 Correspondent to Lan Thi Mai Pham School of Education MEd Program 2017-2018 QUALITATIVE APPROACH TO RESEARCH A review of advantages and disadvantages. Advantages and disadvantages of normal LAN vs. Computer networks for the home and small business can be built using either wired or wireless technology. Wired Ethernet has been the traditional choice in homes, but Wi-Fi wireless technologies are gaining ground fast.

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LAN or known as Local Area Network, does the term ring a bell? If you're techie enough, yes, it does.

To give light to not-so-tech-savvy individuals, LAN or Local Area Network is a network wherein computers and its accessories connect with each other, especially with the use of LAN cables. When we say computer accessories this include scanners, printers, game consoles, etc.

LAN is widely utilized to make connection with computers and communication devices as well as cables easier under one establishment. Communication devices include routers, hubs, and switches.

Considering how feasible LAN is, it also has its fair share of pros and cons. Let's find out what they are below.

Pros of LAN (Local Area Network)

Disadvantage of lan

Media Sharing Convenience

A client computer that attaches all media files or data can be stored under one server. In case any client computer needs files then user can log in and access the files from the server easily. Example of these media files are songs, movies, docs, etc.


Resources linked to one network can be easily shared to any computer that has the same network. These resources range from hard drives, scanners, modems, printers, and DVD drives. Therefore, you don't need to buy resources for every computer. Plus, you can save money!

Sharing of Software Application

Local area network allows you to share software applications. Any user can use even just a single licensed software installed in one computer. Buying a licensed software for every network user is really expensive, hence sharing it through LAN makes it easier and cost-effective.

Sharing of Internet Connection


Most corporate establishments and commercial shops have one internet connection shared to all computers and devices within the premises. This is the type of LAN technology that uses an internet cable connected to one server. It will then be disseminated to the rest of the computers and devices attached under the same network.

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Data Security

LAN keeps data more secure since the administrator can restrict access to all stored media. Only authorized users are allowed to access data files. This is applicable to all computers connected under one network that is within the premises.

Efficient and Fast Communication

Communication through exchanging emails and chat messages can be done fast and easy. Not only that, it saves you ample time and makes people in the workplace more productive. User can simply log in to any computer under the same network and access similar data messages on the server. That's making communication more innovative and time-efficient.

Secured Identification of Computers

There is a special combination of numbers known as MAC address in every computer. This is stored in either the router or switch on a temporary manner. The router or modem is connected to the motherboard. MAC addresses on computers are being identified by LAN which are used for communication — sending and receiving messages.

Cons of LAN (Local Area Network)

Distance Restriction

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lan Pdf

Generally, Local Area Network is designed for user utilization within the establishment or nearer. As much as we want to, however it cannot reach or connect areas that are wider.

Possible Security Breach

In the event a computer server is not set up properly then here is a possible security leak that could lead to unauthorized users getting access to the data. Therefore, there should be strict rules about privacy policy set up on the server correctly.

Server Crash Issue

All connected computers will not work properly if there is a corrupted file on the computer or perhaps a compromised hard drive due to malware on the server network. So, make sure to install an updated antivirus or have a regular computer maintenance to check if there are corrupted files.

LAN Installation is Pricey

Because of a special software needed to be installed to the server, setting up of LAN is indeed expensive. Not to mention, all communication devices, such as switches, cables, routers, and hubs will cost you a significant amount of money. For large offices, a special administrator is needed to maintain and troubleshoot LAN problems.

Disadvantages Of Database


Local Area Network surely puts users to an advantage. It is one innovation that makes our lives easier. King of fighters. Sharing of media files, resources, connection, and messages has never been this easy and simple. Although security can get compromised, if computer server is set up properly and special software is being installed, then there should be no problem with the network's security.

Because of how convenient LAN s, it's no wonder why large companies or offices make use of it. In this type of setting, there should always be a designated system administrator for regular server check up and maintenance.


What to know more detail about ethernet?

Here is everything you will learn about ethernet in this article.

Table of Contents

What is Ethernet?

Ethernet is Local Area Network (LAN) technology. It is a system with protocol to connect multiple systems on the LAN network connection. Apart from LAN, it is also used in Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) network.

Robert Metcalfe invented Ethernet technology. It is standardized as IEEE 802.3.

Characteristics of Ethernet

  • Ethernet operates at the link layer in TCP/IP model architecture.
  • Ethernet offers connectionless communication.
  • Before transferring any data over the network, system checks if the access medium is free to transfer data. It determines free medium using Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD).
  • It is built on a star topology.

Related Read:

  • 3 Major Importance of Network Topology in Network Evolution.

Types of Ethernet:

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lan Pdf

Media Sharing Convenience

A client computer that attaches all media files or data can be stored under one server. In case any client computer needs files then user can log in and access the files from the server easily. Example of these media files are songs, movies, docs, etc.

Resources linked to one network can be easily shared to any computer that has the same network. These resources range from hard drives, scanners, modems, printers, and DVD drives. Therefore, you don't need to buy resources for every computer. Plus, you can save money!

Sharing of Software Application

Local area network allows you to share software applications. Any user can use even just a single licensed software installed in one computer. Buying a licensed software for every network user is really expensive, hence sharing it through LAN makes it easier and cost-effective.

Sharing of Internet Connection

Most corporate establishments and commercial shops have one internet connection shared to all computers and devices within the premises. This is the type of LAN technology that uses an internet cable connected to one server. It will then be disseminated to the rest of the computers and devices attached under the same network.

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Data Security

LAN keeps data more secure since the administrator can restrict access to all stored media. Only authorized users are allowed to access data files. This is applicable to all computers connected under one network that is within the premises.

Efficient and Fast Communication

Communication through exchanging emails and chat messages can be done fast and easy. Not only that, it saves you ample time and makes people in the workplace more productive. User can simply log in to any computer under the same network and access similar data messages on the server. That's making communication more innovative and time-efficient.

Secured Identification of Computers

There is a special combination of numbers known as MAC address in every computer. This is stored in either the router or switch on a temporary manner. The router or modem is connected to the motherboard. MAC addresses on computers are being identified by LAN which are used for communication — sending and receiving messages.

Cons of LAN (Local Area Network)

Distance Restriction

Generally, Local Area Network is designed for user utilization within the establishment or nearer. As much as we want to, however it cannot reach or connect areas that are wider.

Possible Security Breach

In the event a computer server is not set up properly then here is a possible security leak that could lead to unauthorized users getting access to the data. Therefore, there should be strict rules about privacy policy set up on the server correctly.

Server Crash Issue

All connected computers will not work properly if there is a corrupted file on the computer or perhaps a compromised hard drive due to malware on the server network. So, make sure to install an updated antivirus or have a regular computer maintenance to check if there are corrupted files.

LAN Installation is Pricey

Because of a special software needed to be installed to the server, setting up of LAN is indeed expensive. Not to mention, all communication devices, such as switches, cables, routers, and hubs will cost you a significant amount of money. For large offices, a special administrator is needed to maintain and troubleshoot LAN problems.

Disadvantages Of Database


Local Area Network surely puts users to an advantage. It is one innovation that makes our lives easier. King of fighters. Sharing of media files, resources, connection, and messages has never been this easy and simple. Although security can get compromised, if computer server is set up properly and special software is being installed, then there should be no problem with the network's security.

Because of how convenient LAN s, it's no wonder why large companies or offices make use of it. In this type of setting, there should always be a designated system administrator for regular server check up and maintenance.


What to know more detail about ethernet?

Here is everything you will learn about ethernet in this article.

Table of Contents

What is Ethernet?

Ethernet is Local Area Network (LAN) technology. It is a system with protocol to connect multiple systems on the LAN network connection. Apart from LAN, it is also used in Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) network.

Robert Metcalfe invented Ethernet technology. It is standardized as IEEE 802.3.

Characteristics of Ethernet

  • Ethernet operates at the link layer in TCP/IP model architecture.
  • Ethernet offers connectionless communication.
  • Before transferring any data over the network, system checks if the access medium is free to transfer data. It determines free medium using Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD).
  • It is built on a star topology.

Related Read:

  • 3 Major Importance of Network Topology in Network Evolution.

Types of Ethernet:

Ethernet is of two types as per the cable used to connect systems over the network

  • Twisted Pair Ethernet connection
  • Fiber Optic Ethernet connection

There are three types of Ethernet- Basic, Fast and Gigabit.

These categories are based on the data transfer speed.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Computer Network

  • Basic ethernet is slowest among all, which provide the s speed of 10Mbps.
  • Fast Ethernet provides the speed of 100Mbps, which is intermediate between basic and Gigabit network
  • Gigabit Ethernet has the highest data transfer speed of 1Gbps. This speed is 1o times more than Fast Ethernet.

Today, the speed of the Gigabit Ethernet has increased to 100 Gbps. It is a massive speed.

Gigabit Ethernet operates with the Twisted pair cable as well as Fiber Optic Cable, smoothly.

These Frame sizes and bandwidths are calculated so that the frame should not collide and should provide higher performance.

Fiber optic gives a higher performance as it has good electrical isolation. It can cover the distance up to 10 kilometers with the latest fiber optic mechanism.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethernet:

As it is being LAN technology, speed, durability, maintenance cost, and data transfer quality are the major parameters to make the decision.

Advantages of Ethernet:

  1. To form an Ethernet, we do not need much cost. It is relatively inexpensive. It is costless as compare to other systems of connecting computers.
  2. In Ethernet, all the node have the same privileges. It does not follow client-server architecture.
  3. It does not require any switches or hubs
  4. Maintenance and administration are simple.
  5. The cable used to connect systems in ethernet is robust to noise.
  6. As it is robust to the noise, the quality of the data transfer does not degrade. The data transfer quality is good.
  7. With a Gigabit network, users can transfer data with the speed of 1-100Gbps.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Landfilling

Disadvantages of Ethernet:

  1. It offers a nondeterministic service.
  2. It does not hold good for real-time applications as it requires deterministic service.
  3. As the network cannot set priority for the packets, it is not suitable for a client-server architecture.
  4. In an interactive application, data is very small and need quick data transfer. In ethernet, there is a limit of the minimum size of the frame to 46B. The result of that, it is not a good choice for interactive applications.
  5. If you are using it for interactive applications, you have to feed dummy data to make the frame size 46B which is mandatory.
  6. Not suitable for traffic-intensive applications. If the traffic on the Ethernet increases, the efficiency of the Ethernet goes down.
  7. It provides connectionless communication over the network.
  8. After receiving a packet, the receiver doesn't send any acknowledge.
  9. If there is any problem in ethernet, it is difficult to troubleshoot what cable or node in the network causing an actual problem.

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This is all about the advantages and disadvantages of Ethernet. If you are planning to set the Ethernet LAN connection, you can ponder on these points. For any doubt, please write in a comment.

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